Wednesday, 5 February 2014

World without mobile

World without mobile


Cell phones have quickly become an integral part of our daily lives. In fact, to most people, they are absolutely essential. Cell phones can save us in emergencies, help us to stay in touch with friends and family, and we can use cell phones to help us be more efficient in our work lives. We are writing a Report on “The World without Mobile Phones”.

Advantages of using mobile phones

  • The most effective form of communication
  • No need of wasting time in writing letters
  • keeps connected with friends and family wherever you go
  • If you are in an accident, you can call the police or ambulance - and if the phone has a camera, you can take pictures of the accident
  • We can save trees by avoiding paper

  • Disadvantages of using mobile phones

  • Cell phones spread electromagnetic waves. And these electromagnetic waves cause important health problems like cancer
  • Cell phones often affect the electronic systems used by equipment like cars, ABS (Automatic Brake System), and computers. This can cause big problems, such as emergency
  • It will limit your face to face time with friends and family
  • Different type of damages to the ear and tympanic membrane which can cause hearing defects in the individuals who excessively use mobile

  • The World without Mobile Phones

  • Use post box to communicate
  • In olden days people used manual communication system

  • The World with Mobile Phones


    Basically, life without mobile phone directly impact on communication. Although we can use letters or telegram to connect with other people, but in scientific age, communicating with letters or telegram aren't the best way to contact with other people because mobile phone is a gadget which is more convenient to communicate one another include dealing a business, or transacting a cash rapidly seeing that mobile phone can connect each part of the world together.

    Thus mobile phone can make more convenient communication for civilizing people. If our life without mobile phone, it would make many obstacles about communication for human-being in the whole world.

    " With Mobile Brain Will Die,Without Mobile People Will Die"

    The End

    Done By

    Ram Kishore

    Guru Prasad

    Hari Vijay Gujar



    8th-A, M.V.M-Irungattukottai